Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good Minor

In a rapidly changing and highly turbulent global economy, the ability to think creatively, challenge the status quo, and take calculated risks are “must-have” leadership skills. The pace of change and disruption in our world is likely to continue its upward climb, and traditional approaches to problem solving are often inadequate. The Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Common Good provides Georgetown students with the chance to develop critical skills and to apply entrepreneurial concepts and problem-solving tools to become successful changemakers in their chosen area of focus. 

The Minor is not exclusively for students who want to launch companies – it is designed to prepare students for success in a range of environments where an entrepreneurial mindset is a distinct advantage – including strategy, corporate innovation, and new product development roles. Drawing from Georgetown’s Jesuit tradition, the Minor will help students understand how an entrepreneurial mindset can be applied to key social challenges such as economic development, social justice, poverty, diversity, and globalization. 

The Minor will comprise four courses (12 credits), three of which will be required and one of which will be an elective. The course sequence will ensure the students who complete the minor will develop skills such as critical reasoning and decision-making in complex markets and industries, opportunity identification based on market and industry analysis, and design concepts for products and services. Please declare here:  

Undergraduate Courses

The aim of these courses is to take the mystique out of entrepreneurship, exploring the tools and techniques that entrepreneurs use to maximize their chances of success. The sequence is more “hands on” than many traditional business school courses, and all classes are open to undergraduates outside the business school.


Entrepreneurship Fellows for the Common Good

The Entrepreneurship Fellows for the Common Good program is designed specifically for undergraduate students with a commitment to and interest in understanding entrepreneurship. Open to students in NHS, SFS, and the College degree programs, Entrepreneurship Fellows explore the meaning of an entrepreneurial mindset and learn how to apply entrepreneurial problem-solving skills throughout their careers.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Students applying from outside the McDonough School of Business should check with their deans to make sure there are no conflicts with other degree or certificate requirements. There is flexibility in scheduling these courses to allow students who spend a semester abroad to complete the fellowship.
  • Preferred access to entrepreneurship courses and events
  • Access to internships and first-hand exposure to startup life
  • Introductions to experienced entrepreneurs and mentors
  • The chance to connect with peers who share your entrepreneurial interest


    Entrepreneurship Fellows must complete the following sequence:
  • Foundation of Entrepreneurship         MGMT   2220
  • Entrepreneurship for Common Good     MGMT   2221
  • ...and one of the following two course
    Launching Entrepreneurial Ventures         MGMT   3224

    Growing Entrepreneurial Businesses         MGMT   3225
  • Compete in an agreed upon pitch competition

    For questions or additional information please contact entrepreneurship@georgetown.edu

New Downtown Learning Opportunity:
Capitol Applied Learning Labs (the CALL)