Hire Talent from Georgetown Startup Interns

Do you need entrepreneurial-minded interns?

Your company has exclusive access to talented, well-trained Georgetown Startup Interns (GSI) for summer, fall, and spring internships! 

GSI creates a marketplace for startups, growth-stage companies, and international social enterprises to recruit entrepreneurial-minded undergrad and grad student interns. Most GSI companies continue to hire new student interns each semester and/or keep their interns on the team beyond the first semester. You can register and add your internship postings today!

Students enroll in a unique 3-credit course to learn foundational professional skills via asynchronous online skills workshops, leadership coaching, and bi-weekly reflection papers. The Startup Internship Seminar course is now offered for undergrad and grad students during the fall, spring, and summer semesters at Georgetown.

You can leverage these HR position description templates to help with crafting your internship postings.

3 Steps to Recruit Student Interns

Step 1: If this is your first time hiring Georgetown Startup Interns, you need to register your company.

Step 2: Post your internships on Handshake by following the instructions below because students frequently search Handshake for internships. We understand Handshake can be a pain, so you also have the option to register your internship posting with a link to your website or a Google Doc with the position description and instructions on how to apply.

Step 3: Register your internship posting with GSI, so it is immediately published on our website for students to begin applying.

Company Instructions to Add Your Internship Posting

  • Posting on Handshake is easy with these instructions
  • You can watch this 5-minute GSI How to Post a Job on Handshake Loom video
  • You can read this Scribe on How to Post a Job on Handshake
  • You can login or create a Handshake account here
  • Each Handshake posting must begin with: ***This internship is affiliated with Georgetown Startup Interns. Learn more at eship.georgetown.edu/GSI***
  • You are strongly encouraged to offer some sort of compensation (hourly, stipend, salary, etc.) to be competitive with the other internship options
  • You can post as many internship postings as you need
  • Email Patrick Denenea <phd25@georgetown.edu> when your posting is finalized to approve it on the back-end and for any Handshake tech support questions
  • Register Your Internship Posting for GSI to immediately publish your Handshake posting link on our website. If you decide not to use Handshake, you can use this link to publish a Google Doc or company website with your posting and instructions on how to apply. This is the most important step to get applicants!
  • Students can discover your internship posting on Handshake, on our website at eship.georgetown.edu/apply-to-gsi, and via targeted emails we send to students seeking internships
  • You are responsible for reviewing candidates who apply in Handshake, scheduling interviews, and deciding who to send offer letters to before the deadline
  • You need to finalize your hiring decisions by 8/30/24 (Fall), 10/20/24 (Fall Mod B), 1/10/25 (Spring), or 5/16/25 (Summer) and tell us who you decide to hire
  • Interns are expected to work approximately 8-12 hours/week during the semester and full-time during the summer

Frequently Asked Questions

Email Patrick Denenea <phd25@georgetown.edu> when your posting is finalized to approve it on the back-end and for any Handshake tech support questions.

The majority of Georgetown students use Handshake to search for internships. You don’t have to use the platform if it is too cumbersome. You can fill out this 15-second form to Register Your Internship Posting with GSI to immediately publish your internship posting link on our website for students. Make sure your link (Google Drive link is fine) includes the position description with instructions on how to apply.

You are strongly encouraged to offer paid internships to students. We recommend paying them at least DC minimum wage, which is $17/hr as of July 1, 2023. You should pay more if you are seeking graduate student interns.

You can offer unpaid internships, but you will get significantly less applicants because our students strongly prefer paid internships. You will be competing with all the other paid internships.

During the summer, internships can be 20-45 hours/week. During the fall or spring semester, we recommend 8-12 hours/week, and it cannot exceed 20 hours/week.

You need to finalize your hiring decisions by 8/23/23 (Fall), 10/13/23 (Fall Mod B), 1/10/24 (Spring), or 5/17/24 (Summer). When you finalize your hiring decision, make sure your student promptly fills out this form to Finalize Your Internship with Georgetown Startup Interns

Most students search on Handshake. Scroll down to the next section or click here to see what students who are specifically looking for GSI internships see.

Yes, email Mike Malloy <mike.malloy@georgetown.edu>, and he can share the list of 250+ students who are looking for internships. Please don’t email blast them all! You can pick 3-10 who could be a good fit for your internships to email directly and encourage to apply/interview.

Please include the position title, job description, professional goals of the internship, supervisor contact information, hours per week, start date, and end date.

Students can go onto MyAccess today to self-enroll in UNXD 4950/7950 Startup Internship Seminar. Before the end of drop/add period, students must secure an internship offer letter and fill out this form to Finalize Your Internship with Georgetown Startup Interns.

Yes! Check out this Onboarding Plan for New Team Members to get access to templates, tools, and checklists you can use to create a great experience for your new team members. It includes Checklists for Internship Host Companies with guidance on what to do before the internship, onboarding the intern, during the internship, and after the internship.

Email Mike Malloy <mike.malloy@georgetown.edu>, Aveline Argo <aveline.argo@georgetown.edu> with any additional questions.

Student View?

Here is what students see on the Apply to GSI webpage after you register internship postings: