Rose Carter of Paeonian Springs, Virginia, is the co-founder of Aeternum LLC, a self-sustaining solar paneled air quality sensor that can accurately determine outdoor and indoor pollutants and their source attribution. She also co-founded Global Wireless Solutions, Inc., in 1996. GWS is the standard for network benchmarking, engineering, analysis, and testing in the wireless industry. Prior to 1996, she worked as an architect in residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments for projects in the United States, Canada, and Europe. She is currently President of the Paul and Rose Carter Foundation, whose mission is to help improve education, health, and well-being in the US and developing countries. The Foundation provides school, medical supplies, and after-school programs and has supported and built an orphanage, a secondary school, a baby clinic, a hospital for young mothers, and an occupational therapy and rehabilitation clinic in Blantyre, Malawi.
She has been an ardent supporter of startups and provides strategic, financial, funding coaching and support. She has served on several corporate boards as well as not-for-profit. She is currently an investment advisor for the Halcyon incubator and is a co-founding member of WECapital. She is also on the Board of the Overseas Schools Advisory Council, a State Departmentcouncil set to oversee Schools founded and funded by the State Department. She has served as the Education Chair Commissioner at the National Portrait Gallery, Secretary of the Board at the National Museum of Women for the Arts, and Digital Chair of the Digital Committee at the Kennedy Center. She is a co-founder of Explore! Children’s Museum, where she served as the Chair of the Development and Chair of the Nominating committee. She served on the boards of theNational Symphony Orchestra, the International Committee for the Art at the Kennedy Center, the Cabinet at the Woodrow Wilson Center, the National Gallery Collections Committee, the Washington Project for the Arts, and the Nephrology Board at Georgetown University. Her passion is to continually support programs promoting young founders, startups, social impact, the visual and performing arts, culture, children’s literacy, children’s health, medical research and outreach, and after-school programs.
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