The TalentUp Program trains aspiring entrepreneurs from Sardinia, Italy to launch and manage their own ventures. TalentUp Entrepreneurs undergo three phases:

Phase One
TalentUp Entrepreneurs learn the basics of entrepreneurship in Sardinia, Italy from experts and seasoned professionals alike through classroom lessons and experiential learning exercises.

Phase Two
Each year, TalentUp Entrepreneurs continue their entrepreneurial education abroad by traveling to world-class business schools, innovation labs, and think tanks. In 2019, TalentUp selected the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University to host the program's abroad training program.

Phase Three
TalentUp Entrepreneurs travel back to Sardinia, Italy to launch their start-up.

The Showcase
On March 10, 2019, TalentUp Entrepreneurs completed their eight-week training program at the McDonough School of Business and presented their business ideas to potential investors, renowned entrepreneurs, and experts in the field.