Georgetown  Entrepreneurship & The AIM-HI Accelerator Fund

Georgetown Entrepreneurship, in partnership with the AIM-HI Accelerator Fund (AIM-HI), is proud to offer the “Biotech Startup Crowdfunding Marketing Fellowship (2023/2024 academic year)” to two Georgetown University students for a fellowship focused on learning entrepreneurship and health care. The ultimate goal is to develop future leaders at the intersection of healthcare and entrepreneurship, with a particular interest in oncology.

What the Fellowship Offers

  • $4500 stipend per student 
  • Commitment of 5-10 hours per week (on average) on the Fellowship, early October 2023 thru early May 2024 
  • Evaluate the successful cases by analyzing data and interviewing the Founder/CEO of those companies that have raised investments from the StartEngine crowdfunding platform.
  • Propose a crowdfunding strategy for select AIM-HI portfolio companies.
  • Analyze and select two of 20 portfolio companies to prototype the funding package.
  • Create/prototype the two selected companies’ funding packages for StarEngine, a well-known crowdfunding platform for biotech startups. 
  • An educational experience provided by AIM-HI 
  • Participation in healthcare entrepreneurship activities, web publications, and social media coverage about the Fellowship.
  • VIP attendance at AIM-HI’s Global Summit for Cancer Research and Entrepreneurship on October 21 in DC (see promo here).

AIM-HI/Biotech Startup Fellows ‘23/’24

Nirmal Maitra ‘23/’24

What the Fellowship Offers

  • Co-Founder Heroes for Hearts, Inc 
  • Co-founder Enna Health 
  • M.D. Candidate Georgetown University School of Medicine ’25
  • B.S. Georgetown University ‘17 (Human Science)
Chloe Verwiel ‘23/’24

What the Fellowship Offers

  • M.D. Candidate Georgetown University School of Medicine ’25
  • B.A. Georgetown University ‘19 (Econ, Chemistry/Cogn. Science)
  • Founder, Georgetown University Students for Health and Medical Equity (GUSHME)


“As the first cohort of this evolving fellowship, we [Nirmal & Chloe] worked with AIM-HI with helping them essentially “translate” some of their scientific materials to make them more accessible to the general public, thought through strategies to develop partnerships with oncology centers in the nation, and interviewed CEOs of their portfolio companies in an effort to generate materials for and implement a crowdfunding campaign for those companies.” -Nirmal Maitra, H’17, MED’25


The AIM-HI Accelerator Fund (AIM-HI) was created in 2019 by the National Foundation for Cancer Research to provide oncology startups with the resources they need to drive innovative discoveries forward, out of the lab, to the clinics, and eventually to the people battling cancer. The non-profit changes the paradigm of funding biotech startups, utilizing charitable giving to make impact investments. Their mission is to bridge the gap between research breakthroughs and clinical trials, with the ultimate goal of developing innovative cancer therapies and technologies that can save patients’ lives. 

Many emerging biotechnologies, with their potential to revolutionize healthcare and address pressing global challenges, often require substantial financial resources for research, development, and commercialization. 

Crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool for facilitating the growth and development of biotech startups.  Crowdfunding platforms provide a unique avenue for biotech entrepreneurs to connect directly with a diverse pool of individual investors who are passionate about scientific advancements and eager to support innovative projects.  By leveraging the power of social media and online networks, biotech startups can showcase their cutting-edge technologies, present compelling narratives, and engage with a wide range of potential backers. 


Crowdfunding not only offers financial support but can also validate the market demand for novel biotech solutions, thus attracting additional investment from traditional venture capitalists and strategic partners.  Moreover, crowdfunding campaigns can generate valuable buzz around a startup, raising awareness and fostering a community of supporters who may become loyal customers.  Crowdfunding has become an indispensable avenue for biotech startups to access capital, gain exposure, and accelerate their transformative work in biotechnology. 


AIM-HI intends to create a marketing service offering to its portfolio companies of early-stage oncology companies to help them raise critical seed funding from seed and angel investors via crowdfunding platforms such as StarEngine. 

 Please direct inquiries about the fellowship to